1. Make a Bag from Crisp Papers Tutorial (first shown HERE) by Rufusdog from MSE
Original image from candypursewrapper blog. Rufusdog was inspired to make this gorgeous bag following the brilliant tutorial by the wrapperpurse blog. I think it is a really amazing effort, and can't believe how brilliant it is, and all made from recycled materials! A smaller version of the original, but just as delightful!

2. Post Sorter Organiser (first shown HERE). 
Original image by Bright n Blithe
This brilliant mail sorter (below) was made by from Lucy who said "I'm not organised enough to decide on just three categories to put! My label is a bit wonky but hey ho :o) I wrote on a piece of leather that I got as a swatch from Laura Ashley.

I found the tutorial really easy to follow thank you. Although I didn't use the print outs, I have saved them for one I'm going to make for my sister, which I think next time I'll do using similar material to the one in the tutorial.

Lucy also added an extra bit to make it more sturdy: "I added a fold-over hem at the top of mine which was wide enough to fit a pole through, to give the organiser the strength to hold all my unread mail and unpaid bills! I've then hung it on two hooks by a noticeboard in the kitchen."
3. Make your own Post Sorter take 2 (first shown HERE) made by ME again!
I had a go at this, but in different colours and with only three pockets. I mostly followed the tutorial, made a few bits up, sewed a few extra bits on and instead of sewing the labels on, I used sticky velcro to velcro them on incase I ever want to change them. I made some extra pretty lace roses to put on it!
I've hung it on the inside of my cupboard door. It needs finishing off a little bit better but I was pleased how it went!
A massive thank you to everyone for their fabulous items!!
And thanks to all the brilliant readers (over 1000 unique visitors in less than a month!) of .hand.made.heart.felted!
Each and every one of you make this blog what it is! Please do rate and comment on the projects as I'll get a better feel for what you all like best.
Don't forget next Reader Showcase: Friday 26th February - get making folks!!! I have already had one eager entry!